As a blogger, one best way to getting traffic to this Website is Google search. It's not the only way - Many people choose to use other methods to drive traffic to their site, but more of that later.
How does Google work?
Google uses a system to place pages from a website - Not the websites themselves, but the pages - So a website with many pages can have it, only a few set by Google.
So using Google we can search for something, using which is known as a keyword - In this case, the keyword is actually a series of words we use to search. When you press search results will be provided - This results page is known as SERPS, which represents search engine results pages.
SERPS pages are actually two sets of results - These are bright pink, the top and top on the right side of the screen are what are known as sponsored results, which means someone paid for them, not that they appeared, but when they clicked on the owner had to pay Google. These sponsored or paid results account for about 15% of the page.
Google uses three main elements to get its results:
Crawling: Google has a specialized computer program that crawls your website and web pages to determines how often and how many pages to retrieve from each site. It also considers domain names from previous crawls and previously submitted Site maps. Each time it crawls a web page it denotes fresh links, fresh content, and any dead links.
Indexing: Every time the Google programs crawl they make an index of all of the information compiled including information about page titles, content tags, alternative text, etc.
Serving Results: Each time Google is searched, its computers check its index for relevant pages which match the search terms and then give you these results.
Who is the developer of google and the present CEO?
Developers of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin they Founded google in 1998 and the present CEO of Google is Pichai Sundararajan better know as "Sundar Pichai" he becomes CEO in 2015. And he is an Indian.
The rest, mostly, is known as organic as a search engine, this time Google has taken these pages from their related websites as they match the keyword we entered earlier. Also, they happen to be very popular with people who click on them.
One-page search is what everyone wants - And who wouldn't say thousands of visits to your website every month ... So how do we get to the first page?
Google wants people to trust them, they want customer information to be good ... It doesn't help Google if someone is looking for holidays and pages of clothing results, say, come back.
Google uses algorithms to determine which pages appear at the top of any search. Parts of this algorithm start with good content - Google rewards good content at the highest level in the SERPs.
Also, reward backlinks - Backlinks are links from a selected page returned to a website or another similar webpage ...
The more a site launches a page, the more popular it becomes, the better it will be, as it can add credibility, to the page and Google.
So Google likes content and Backlinks (Now with bombshell) Google doesn't like to crawl pages. All we have is a compression page. Does it matter when the content is affected, I hear you ask? Why spend time trying to get our page to Google if they don't like it?
OK, so your compression page may not fit into one Google page, but there is a way you can ... not your own page, obviously ... and how to appear on a single Google page ... by writing rich articles with keywords (research of keywords covered in a separate article), which you submit to an article guide, such as EzineArticles, which already has new content in it and links to you, both help with Google's needs ... what, in fact, is possible? You can be on the E-zine page as you like Google pages ... and you have a welcome article and with Google's love of this site you can also call ... a successful page showing ... I hope you now see how Google works ...
How Google rank pages?
Over the past two decades of Google Search, they have been developing and refining their ability to provide the highest quality results on the billions of questions we see everyday core values guide every improvement, as we constantly update Search to make it work better for you. Another area we would like to shed more light on is how we measure to increase access to information and the responsibility to protect people from cyberbullying.
They design google ranking systems to get the highest quality results for as many questions as possible, but some types of questions are more relevant to bad characters and require special solutions. One such example is websites that use aggressive removal practices. These sites require payment to remove content, and since 2018 we have had a policy that allows people to request the removal of pages containing information about our results.
In addition to removing these pages from Google Search visibility, we have also used this removal as a sign of a downturn in Search, so that sites with these abuses are less likely to be the result. This solution leads the industry and is very effective in assisting victims of harassment on these sites.
However, we have found that there are rare cases of repeated abuse. The New York Times highlighted one such case, and it highlighted certain limitations.
To help people facing unusual cases of repeated abuse, we use improvements in our approach to protecting known victims. Now, if someone requests to be removed from a single site with eating habits, we will automatically use level protection to help prevent content from other low-quality sites similar to appearing in search results for people's names. We also want to extend these defenses further, as part of our ongoing work in this space.
This change is inspired by the same approach we have taken with the victims of explicit and illegal content, more commonly known as revenge porn. Although there is no complete solution, our tests show that these changes significantly improve the quality of our results.
Over the years we have developed Search, the way we work has remained consistent: We take examples of questions where we do not do our best to provide high-quality results and look for ways to improve our algorithms. In this way, we do not "fix" each question, because it is usually an indicator of a category of problems that affect many different questions. Our problem-solving ability continues to lead the industry, and we have developed advanced technologies, tools, and quality indicators over the past two decades, making search more effective on a daily basis.
Search has never been a problem solved, and there are always new challenges we face as the web and the world change. We are committed to listening to feedback and looking for ways to improve the quality of our results.
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