The Dark Energy Survey is an astronomical survey whose main target is to detect or you can say to take a photo of Dark Energy form. Know you can say it is already proved that dark matter and dark energy exist and our universe most part is made off dark matter. Yes, No doubt it’s absolutely true but till now we have only seen its signs or you can say we have detected some signs of its existence from which we have come to the conclusion that its dark matter exists. Such like in the 1970s-80s Great scientist Stephen hawking discovered a black hole and its photo was taken in 2017. Like this, it’s discovered but now able to be seen properly. See this is a big universe in which we may live on an atom size planet or maybe smaller than this. Because of this, there might be some limitations for us to see and experience things.
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The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a visual and intra-infrared study aimed at analyzing the potential for expansion of the atmosphere and the growth of large structures. The partnership is made up of research institutes and universities from the United States, Australia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.
The study uses a four-meter Victor M. Blanco Telescope telescope at NOIRLab's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile, equipped with a Dark Energy Camera (DECam). This camera allows more sensitive images on the red part of the screen and on the infrared nearby, compared to previous devices.
DECam has one of the widest viewing fields (2.2-degree size) available for landscaping and infrared. The study determined 5,000 degrees south of the blue line at the intersection of South Pole Telescope and Stripe 82 (much of it avoids the Milky Way). The study took 758 viewing nights spread over six years to complete and included this movement several times in five photometric groups (g, r, i, z, and Y). DES officially started in August 2013 and concluded its final observation session on 9 January 2019.
The Dark Energy Survey investigates the energy and structure of the Universe using four probes: Type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), the number of galaxy clusters, and the light of weak gravitational light.
Type Ia supernova is believed to be a thermonuclear explosion that occurs when white stars in binary systems emit the size of the corresponding stars. These events are important in studying cosmology because they are so bright, allowing astronomers to see them from a great distance. The expansion of the universe can be prevented based on the observation of the light distance and the restoration of the IA supernova. The other three techniques (BAO, galaxy clusters, and weak metal inserts) used by the Dark Energy Survey allow scientists to simultaneously understand the expansion of the universe and the emergence of black field complexity disturbances. These disturbances were largely linked to the formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters. A typical cosmology model assumes that the quantum variation of the field of the quantity of the various elements that existed when our environment was very small was developed by a very rapid increase called inflation. The fall of the gravitational force enhances this initial fluctuation as the baryons fall into the gravitational field of the dense regions of space to form galaxies. However, the growth rate of these black news halos is sensitive to the expansion of the Universe and DES will use this link to process the structures of that expansion.
DECam, a new camera installed on Victor M. Blanco Telescope in partnership with DES, brings new viewing opportunities that were not available in previous studies, such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. One important difference between the devices connected to the previous chargers (CCD) of the Victor M. Blanco Telescope and DECam is the improved quantum performance on the red part of the visible and infrared range. This is a very important structure for the observation of far-flung sources, such as Type IA supernovae or clusters of galaxies, because the expansion of the universe removes photons extracted from a specific source given redder wavelengths. On the other hand, Silicon, which is the main material used to make CCDs, is exposed to infrared light, and this issue makes the development of the DECam CCD a technological challenge.
The director of DES is Josh Frieman and the collaboration is being built by several research institutes and universities. The DES interaction itself is divided into many active science groups. Other functional groups are mainly the weak group that makes lamps, the group that works in galaxies, the group that works on large buildings, the working group of supernova, the team that works with the galaxy of evolution, and the group that works with the lens. Other scientific topics include imitation, simulation, photometric repetition, quasars, and Milky Way science. The main responsibility for DES cooperation was the manufacture of equipment, electronics, and DECam lighting. Collaboration has a website, where scientists can publish new results, presentations, and articles. Some releases on this website are open to the general public.
What is Supernova?
Astronomers began to discover cosmic speed by studying the visible light of distant tens of the species Ia supernovae, exploding stars that shone as brightly as the entire galaxy of billions of stars. In the advanced models of the Ia supernovae, an explosion occurs when a white binary star enters the corresponding star, becomes unstable (the maximum limit when the star is unstable still but is thought to be 1.4 solar masses), and is interrupted by a large thermonuclear explosion. Although there are some variations, most Type Ia supernovae have a standard light source - light graph as time operation - with a maximum size of −19.3. This combination of light makes them the most common candles to determine distances.
To find out whether the growth rate of the universe is accelerating or decreasing over time, cosmologists use a certain light speed. It takes billions of years for light to come from the distant galaxy to reach Earth. As the universe expanded, the universe became smaller (galaxies were closer) when distant galaxies were released. If the rate of expansion of the universe is faster due to dark forces, then the size of the universe is growing much faster than ever rather than increasing slightly. Using supernovae, we cannot measure the size of the universe in relation to time. Instead, we can measure the size of the universe (at the time of a star explosion) and the supernova distance. Because of the exploding supernova in hand, astronomers can use the speed of light and the view of General Relativity to determine how long it took light to reach Earth. This tells them the age of the universe when a supernova erupts.
I hope you have understood. Any doubts let me know in the comment section
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